EVEToken Official

Presale 0x75e99d1b8f9d8be2f8d3266c036c6b1986882eb1
Presale 0x75e99d1b8f9d8be2f8d3266c036c6b1986882eb1

Status: listed

Votes for listing: 100/100

Votes: 440

Votes Today: 169

Network: bsc

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Status listed
Votes for listing 440/100
All time votes 440
Votes today: 169
EVEToken is a Decentralized token designed by group of crypto enthusiast to drive up decentralized growths in the Environmental Settlements, Economic Growths, and other financial activities that revolves around our daily lives. ⭐EVEToken Official is the next gem on BSC. Buy in the private sale Now at $0.00006/ETOT ⭐ ✓Total supply: 100,000,000,000 ✓36% Private/presale ✓30 Liquidity ✓20% Development ✓4% Charity our goal is to make $1/ETOF in the next three months ✓ strong marketing team

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Added Nov 26th 2021
Launch Nov 28th 2021